Publication News

Download and print your own copy of Buddy and Friend!

Looking to print out and attempt to fold your own copy of “Buddy and Friend have an adventure?” Now you can by clicking on the link above. It will link you to the pdf version of the zine housed on a google drive to make sure you can down load a high resolution version to double-sided print and cut out. Let’s see if this works!

Publication News

An Animated Tetraflexazine!

We have constructed our first TFZ here at the Black Unicorn Press and will be distributing the print versions around the Seattle, WA area for the time being, but we also have an animated version of the zine that can be explored at our companion Youtube site here:

Buddy and Friend have an Adventure: An animated Tetraflexazine.

Printable Pdfs of Buddy and Friend are available upon request as well!

Publication News

I F’d Up: the Digital Archive LIVES!!!!

The Black Unicorn Press has officially launched a massive new project in digital media publication called: I F’d Up: the probable digital writing archive of Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett! You can find this project now and forever in our brand new “Our Projects” tab under our website menu, or by following the link in the title below.

In addition to including past “print-only publications” of the Black Unicorn Press, such as the original print anthology of I F’d Up,  the Digital Archive already includes a selection of new short stories, and the especially exciting new addition of 302 Corrections Drive, which is over 20 new documents probably written by A Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett invested in the state of Arkansas about the relationship 302 Corrections Drive, and the larger Project, I F’d Up: the Digital Archive, are published by the Black Unicorn Press as “Publications in Progress” that will continue to grow and evolve right here in cyber space. Small updates and changes will mostly be announced through our social media platforms, but large scale reorganizations or additions will be announced here as new blog posts. We already have hundreds of pages of poetry, essays, stories, drawings, digital art projects, songs, and other oddities to convert and add to the archive, and we are looking forward to sharing them with the world!

Publication News

Janky Daze

Note: This post was transferred over from a now defunct Black Unicorn Press site Originally Published in 2015.

a poetry chapbook by benjamin c roy cory garrett

“The Janky, like all ghosts, is real in the stories we tell of it.”

People write poems about places because they feel like those places create them as people. The Janky was the opposite. A place that composed its own poems out of the people that made it the Janky. The creepy, dilapidated, funeral-home-turned-punk-house of Kirksville, MO was torn down in 2014, but the poetry it created in the lives of its inhabitants is still being written.

Janky Daze is my contribution to that endeavor. It is a collection of hand-written poetry and drawings of things that may never have quite happened like I remembered and never will again. Below are a couple of  snap shots of the work found inside.

This is an unknown page number of the Janky Daze Chapbook.
This is page 16 of the Janky Daze Chapbook.
Publication News

I Fucked Up

NOTE: This post was originally made July 6th, 2015. I Fucked Up will be coming to the internet and available through the Black Unicorn Press website soon!

An Autobiographical Anthology
Edited by Fredrick Thomas Long

The concept of autobiography as anthology is rather conceited. But sometimes invented perspective into one’s own life gives the opportunity to put “truth” in its constructed context between the experience and the people experiencing it. I Fucked Up is about the invention of selves and the experiences that define them. As the name would imply, I Fucked up is a semi-linear exploration of the takes and mistakes of Benjamin C. Roy Cory Garrett.

Here is an anonymous review/response to I Fucked Up that maybe explains the content more honestly than I:

“[yr book] which i loved reading and remembering people and having a little window in to your world and seeing/exploring/feeling the depth of male guilt and i also wonder about male essentialism and how that is bullshit and how you are not defined by your gender and can bask in your own amazingness without guilt or i would like to think/hope that that is a possibility for all people.  and i felt like you were being to hard on yourself and wanted to offer you a hug and appreciation for all the ways you show up in the world that defy your social conditioning”

Here is another review that strokes an author’s ego:

“Anyway, I was damn glad I read it, and I hope a lot more people get the opportunity. It seems to me you’ve constructed something that a lot of auto/biographies could take a lesson from–namely, a text that looks and reads like a living document. A selfish part of me hopes you keep adding sections to it; a more charitable part of me wonders how possible it is for you to put it down and move on. The inter-text parts were also hot shit. Some of the most emotional moments come in the email inclusions and the letters, not to mention the dialogic divisions of space in the initial text. You’ve really hit on something there.”

The book itself is an unusual project as it is designed to be a living print document. Unlike traditionally bound books, I Fucked Up is designed to rearrangeable by the reader, and additional secret material is available for those that follow the instructions inside. While the first updates to to the anthology, advancing the edition to .01.04 was going be going in the mail October 2015, circumstances led to that not happening. The good news is that new updates to the book will be getting published digitally in the near future and will be accessible, and printable for free online. The Black Unicorn Press has only 1 copy of the book left, so it is no longer available by any means known to us.

Below is a picture of the TRUE cover of the print anthology. All other versions are fakes and their authenticity cannot be confirmed.